Update Spring 2023: I predicted that the Peloton bikes were at risk of having issues and to be recalled!

The Peloton Bike!   I saw the commercials and was hooked. Over 10,000 on demand group spinning classes right in the comfort of my own home?  You mean I never have to find someone to watch my kids, get in a car and drive to the gym?  A dream come true – sign me up!  (Plus, I am assuming that it must come with a housekeeper because everyone’s homes seem so neat and tidy.)

Then I saw the price tag…originally, almost $3,000 right off the bat when you add the delivery, special shoes, etc. plus a $468 yearly subscription ($39 per month).  Yikes!  I wish I could afford it – I really do but I already have a graveyard of exercise gadgetry and workout DVDs in my house (do P90X and Insanity ring a bell to anyone?).  I didn’t want to splurge on a Peloton bike only for it to gather dust in the corner like my old treadmill.

UPDATE: The price has come way down and you can now get the Original Peloton Bike  for much less.

So many questions ran through my head:

  • What if I didn’t like it?
  • Will I get bored of spinning after a few months?
  • If its screen stopped working – would I have to return the whole bike?  (Recalls have now happened!!!)
  • How jealous am I going to be when they release a new model and I want the upgrade (they follow the Apple phone upgrade model…) ?!

For me and my track record, it was too much of a gamble and I needed to dip my toes back into exercise with a less expensive bike.

So what did I do?

I created a Peloton hack.  After loads of research (Amazon reviews, fitness blogs, etc.) I created my own Peloton experience by using the Peloton App with my own bike, a Sunny Spin bike, and some simple add-ons like Wahoo cadence and speed sensors. It saved me almost $2,400. So far it works great and I am really enjoying my Peloton workouts.  I celebrated over 500 rides on my Sunny before upgrading to my Keiser.  This is how I did it…

Step One- the Sunny Spin Bike

All reviews and research pointed to this wonderful Sunny Health spin bike:

The Sunny spin bike is the best Peloton bike alternative. Save money on this exercise bike.

Sure, there are cheaper bikes and more expensive bikes out there but this seemed to check all the boxes.  It is a good-looking, sturdy, easy to assemble bike (I did it myself) that is fairly quiet to use.  Plus it has “dual access” pedals meaning that you do not need to spend big bucks on special clip-on shoes. You can use your regular sneakers and slip them into the cages on the pedal as you would at the gym. But if you want to use clip-in-shoes, you can just use the other side of the pedal.   Brilliant!  Plus with Amazon Prime you get free shipping which saves you $250.

Tip: If you are on the fence,  stick it in your cart and set the notification so that you get an email if there is a price-drop!

Here I am in action

We had previously converted some empty space in our basement into a home gym (I wrote a blog about my home gym, too).  Interlocking rubber floor tiles, a drop ceiling, a little bright yellow paint (which I am second-guessing), and a cheapo TV bought on Black Friday.  We simply put the bike in front of the TV.  Another bonus is that I don’t need to plug the bike in so there is no extension cord for me to trip over.

I also considered this other good looking Sunny Health spin bike but I wasn’t sure if it was worth the extra cost.

Sunny Health Fitness indoor cycling bike cheaper alternative to Peloton

Combined Savings: Around $2,000

Step Two – Peloton App

How to get the Peloton On-Demand Classes

I downloaded the Peloton Digital App from iTunes for $12.99 per month. Update: Its still $12.99 and event less for veterans and students.  It is also now available for Android.  This made more sense to me than spending $39 per month to stream the same content to the video console that is attached to the Peloton bike, especially as that device can only be used for Peloton classes!  (This didn’t make sense to me – what if Peloton is not around in a year or two or if you have a problem with the software?  What if better online classes come along?  You never really know, right?  I remember buying my 1st BlackBerry at a Radio Shack next door to my local Blockbuster near the Sears…).

Live Classes and Pre-recorded Classes

From the Peloton app, I can choose from over 10,000 pre-recorded classes or access up to 10 live daily spin classes.  What’s great is that you can filter the class selection.  For example, you can choose class lengths from 20 minutes to up to 120 minutes (I usually do a 30 or 45-minute class).  You can also choose the theme of music you want to spin to – Country,  Pop, Hip Hop, Rock, 80’s, 90’s,  Live DJ (which is kind of funny), Y2K, Broadway, Lizzo, etc.   What I really like is that you can select your favorite instructor – my current favorite is Emma Lovewell.   She rocks.  I find that the spin classes are far more intimate than the classes at the gym and with over a ten classes recorded every day, there is really something here for everyone.

Peloton Mirror to TV

UPDATE 1: The Peloton app now has awesome workouts like yoga, running, strength, boot camp, stretching, abs, HIIT cardio, core, meditation, cardio dance, and toning.  There are so many classes to choose from. Really awesome stuff.

Here are screenshots of some of the Peloton App On-Demand Choices:

Peloton on-demand classes

Running, Bootcamp, Yoga, Strength, Cardio, Running, Stretching, and Outdoor

Peloton App, Peloton Treadmill, Peloton Bootcamp, Peloton Yoga, Peloton Stretching, Peloton Cardio, Peloton Outdoor, Peloton Strength

Savings on Annual Subscription Fees: $312

Step Three – Display the Peloton Classes

To display the classes, based on all my research I considered two different options.  As my Sunny didn’t come with a tablet holder, my first idea was to buy a tablet holder/mount for my iPad and attach it to my handlebars.  There are many to choose from but this was the one I had my eye on:

spin bike mount for ipad or iphone. low budget Peloton alternative

But, I didn’t buy the mount.

Instead of mounting my tablet to the bike, I decided to simply stream the classes from my iPad to my flat-screen TV via  Apple TV.  You can also mirror classes to your TV or connect your device to the TV with one of these fancy  Apple Lighting AdapterAV connectors or an Amazon Firestick. That way the class is on my big screen mounted on the wall instead of my 10” iPad screen.  I turn the lights low and blast the music.  You almost feel like you are in the studio with the rest of the class.  It’s awesome.  A very immersive experience.  The various methods each have pros and cons – I suggest seeing which one works best for you.  Plus see my update below.

Plus, I occasionally like to catch up on my educational TV shows (OK, the Bachelor on Hulu) while exercising.  You can’t do that with the Peloton bike’s built-in display – you can only watch Peloton content.  This was a big deal for me; I didn’t want to be locked in.  I imagine that at some point if this all takes offer that competitors like Soul Cycle or Apple Fitness will launch similar apps that I may want to try.  Having the TV  is also better for all the “off the bike” classes like yoga, abs, HIIT and boot camp.

(Alternatively, you could purchase a spin bike that already has a tablet holder attached like this  Sunny 1805 but it is a bit more expensive. I like the TV better.)

UPDATE:  I can now access the Peloton classes directly from my TV (just like Netflix) and I no longer need to stream from my iPad or iPhone.  This is a very similar experience to when I stream from my iPad, however, I lose the ability to manage my account, e.g., viewing upcoming live programs, learning about the challenges, etc. I don’t know why – it’s just not there.   I also no longer see the list of other riders and cannot give high-fives.  As far as I know, the Peloton App can now be accessed from Apple TVAmazon Fire TVAndroid TV and Roku TV.  Despite the cons, I like it better and I never gave high fives anyway.

Savings:  Well, I already owned the iPad and TV so no additional cost for me!

Step Four – Cadence

During class, Peloton instructors yell out what your “cadence” should be.  This is a fancy word for describing how fast you are pedaling.   For this, you need a cadence sensor.   Cadence is king.  I bought a combination  Wahoo cadence sensor and speed sensor, attached the cadence to the arm that attaches to the left pedal (called the crank), the speed sensor to the front wheel and downloaded the free Wahoo app to my iPhone.  The Wahoo app tracks your workouts, calories burned, miles biked, etc.  You can even link to MyFitness Pal if you use that app to track calories.  It took about 10 minutes to set up.  You could also just buy the Wahoo cadence sensor without the speed sensor for a little bit cheaper.

Update 2021: Sunny now produces bikes with built in cadence sensors like this Sunny Synergy B1879.  That is great, however, I’ve learned that the very basic onboard computer cycles through speed, distance, time, cadence (RPM), pulse, and calories-burned every 6 seconds which would be super distracting for me when trying to achieve a certain cadence.  I wouldn’t do it.

wahoo speed and cadence

The sensor transmits your cadence via Bluetooth to your phone.  As long as your phone is visible you are good to go.  I bought this MaxMiles mobile phone holder and attached it to my bike’s handlebars for ease of visibility.   More on this below.

better peloton bike phone holder alternatives how to save moneyHere is what the Wahoo App looks like in the phone holder.

Wahoo app on iPhone holder-on spin bike

Update 2: With the recent update to the Peloton App, you can now display cadence and heart rate directly right to the Peloton app using your Wahoo cadence and heart rate sensors.  This works great if you are using a mobile device, mirroring to your TV or using an  Apple Lighting AdapterAV connectors  or an Amazon Firestick. If you stream like me, the cadence and HR not display on the TV. So long story short, I still need to use my cute phone holder.

iPad to TV by Mirroring (metrics)

Peloton App Mirroring TV

iPad to TV by Streaming (no metrics)

watching Peloton App with my own bike #spinbike

Update 3:  A reader asked that I post pictures of what the Wahoo Speed & Cadence sensors looked like on my bike.  Here you go:

Speed Sensor:

Wahoo Speed & Cadence Sensor

Cadence sensor (a bit of a tough angle for the picture):

Wahoo Candence buy on Amazon

Step Five – Sports Mat

I ditched the idea of buying a sports mat as my bike is on rubber mats on the concrete floor.


There are now even Peloton sports mats, too.

Step Six – Weights

Some of the Peloton spin classes include awesome arm and shoulder workouts that require light weights.  The Peloton bike allows you to click two weights under your seat.  The Sunny bike doesn’t have that and I couldn’t find anything to attach.  So when I choose a class with weights, I grab them from the portable cart next to the bike.  We already owned a bunch of weights so nothing new to buy but if you are going to buy some you probably do not need anything more than 5 pounds.  I use 2 and 3-pound dumbbells.

Neoprene Dumbbells

We eventually also picked up this compact weight rack but I really pinch my fingers sometimes putting the weights away. The weights are also great for strength and boot-camp classes.   And now there are Peloton weights!

Dumbbell Rack

Step Seven – Heart Rate Monitor

To track calories burned you need a heart rate monitor.  I use the Wahoo heart rate monitor that is compatible with my free Wahoo app.  At the end of my workout, I can upload the number of calories burned to MyFitness Pal where I track meals, calories, weight, etc.Wahoo Heart Rate Monitor

There is also this Peloton heart rate band. I haven’t tried it but its new on Amazon!

Step Eight – Some Optional Items

Here are a few optional items that I bought to complete my “Peloton Hack” (as ABC news called my setup):

Cart. I bought a simple small metal cart with wheels to hold my weights, a towel and a place to put my iPad.  I purchased the one in the picture below but any old table or cart will do.  I’ve moved it to the front since taking the picture. rolling Utility Organizer

Bike Seat.  I’ll admit it. My bum hurt after a few classes so I bought two seat cushions (a His & Hers for hygiene reasons).  I later upgraded to these seat covers.

Clip in Shoes.  I just use my regular old sneakers but if you want to clip in, people love these Shimanos.

Ear Buds.  If you can’t crank up the volume on the TV, I suggest these wireless Plantronics headphones.  They are very highly rated

[UPDATE].  Disinfectant Wipes. Even with a seat cover the seat begins to smell after a while (super gross!). I highly recommend these equipment wipes for the seat, handlebars, frame, etc. If you are going to get anything, get these – trust me.

Assembly.  I assembled it myself but some opt to use Amazon Home Services to have it assembled, especially if there are a lot of stairs.  For example, here is a picture of a Sunny bike delivered to one of my reader’s front door.  Can you manage it?

Sunny Health Fitness bike delivery
Sunny Bike Delivery

My Total Cost

My total cost?   About $469 for all of the equipment plus $156/year for the Peloton class subscription on iTunes.   That is almost a $2,400 savings!    Not too shabby and I’d much rather spend the money on some Peloton Apparel. 

Is my Peloton hack EXACTLY the same?  No.   Here are some main differences as I see them:

Shout Outs.

The instructors will never shout out my screen name during a live class. For a $2K+ savings, I am OK with not hearing  “Good Job MomJeans_73!” during class.  Plus I only seem to take the pre-recorded, on-demand classes so it doesn’t really matter to me anyway.  Also, with thousands of riders taking the live classes, it is difficult to stand out in the crowd.

BIG UPDATE: Peloton App users now have a chance at being shouted at during live classes!  Here is a clip of my 250th ride  shout  out!!

Leader board.

You cannot see how you stack up against others during a live class.  I’ll never be in the lead and seeing how far behind I am would likely be demotivating for me anyway.  In fact, some instructors recommend that you turn it off.


If you have ever taken a spin class you will be familiar with resistance. It is how heavy your wheel feels. When going uphill the instructor will tell you to turn your resistance knob to the right – around 50-60 resistance. If you are on a straight road, 20-35 resistance. The Peloton bike displays your resistance on its screen. Without it, you need to get a feel for the resistance just like in a spin class at your gym.  That is how spin classes have always worked and it is absolutely fine. I have found that on my Sunny cycle every turn of my resistance knob equals about 10.  So, if the instructor tells you to add 10, that is one crank.

I also make sure that I am following the rhythm of the instructor.  If they are slowly going uphill and I am cruising along, I turn my knob to make resistance more difficult. It is really easy to get the hang of it.

There are some spin bikes out there that do include the resistance but they are significantly more expensive.  For example, the Keiser M3i that I bought after 500 rides on my Sunny displays resistance, cadence, heart rate, etc. on its built-in computer.  A great bike but way outside of my budget.

My Results so Far

I have been cycling for five months (UPDATE: 4 YEARS!) with my own spin bike and the Peloton App. Both my husband and I spin several times a week.  We shed weight, are sleeping better, and are enjoying our workouts.  We especially enjoyed saving a load of money.

I’d love to hear how you are getting along and whether you found this review helpful. Please leave a comment!

Update 3: Peloton is now also available in Canada and in the United Kingdom!   Welcome to the community, England and Canada riders, you are going to love it!

Big Update:  I bought a disco ball and its amazing!

Peloton App with my own bike

Happy Spinning!

Disclaimer:  My Sipping & Shopping blog is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.  


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Jake Ryan
February 15, 2018 6:50 am

WOW! Can I just say how awesome you are? I wanted a Peloton Bike but the price was so much of an investment. I sat down prepared to spend a few hours doing research and I came across your advice in 30 seconds. You have done all the work for me and I can’t thank you enough. You are good people and I am a lifetime fan. Thank you again. Great job!!!

January 11, 2019 7:26 pm
Reply to  Jake Ryan

Thank you so much for the work that you have performed and shared. Very inspiring! Need this less expensive version of the Peloton Bike/Tread

Kyle L. Breslow
February 21, 2018 12:41 am

Thank you so much for this article. I have read it 10 times! I’m doing everything you did except I’m also getting a replacement seat and water bottle holders on the back of my saddle to hold my weights.

Question for you: you said one turn equals 10 in resistance. Is that one 360 degree turn? Or is that one flick of the wrist turn? What exactly do you mean by one turn?

Thank you!

Monique Martinez
June 29, 2018 9:50 pm

Thank you for writing this. I followed your advice and am in week four of my Peloton addiction. I am using weights that I bought at Five Below and Mpow flame Bluetooth headphones ($23.00 on Amazon). I love being able to sweat it out in the basement, without worrying about driving to the gym. My family is getting a little tired of hearing about how great Cody, Jess and Robin are, but they just don’t get it 😉. I love that Latin music is an option. Thank you again for steering me in the right direction. I’d still be plodding… Read more »

August 24, 2018 9:53 pm

Don’t think I’ve ever commented on a blog in my life but this is AMAZING. Seriously thank you!! Going and doing this right now…

September 20, 2018 9:40 am

Thank you so much for writing this post! I just moved abroad and peloton bikes aren’t supported here so your post is a life saver! Can’t wait to get everything set up. 🙂

October 9, 2018 1:46 am

OMG thank you!!
I just ordered my Sunny bike and will be spinning away. I joined a gym just to use my Peloton app however, after finding your post, I will save my gym membership a month and bike away. Your instructions are amazing.
One very happy reader!!

February 22, 2019 2:54 am

This was a great write up and suggestions. We went ahead and purchased the bike, cadence/speed, phone Holder. All works perfect, I would just add the speed sensor really isn’t needed since it can’t be mounted as necessary for true readings.
Thank you for all the suggestions. Anyone thinking about this, don’t think twice and just go with it!

April 29, 2019 10:54 pm

Question on the cadence sensor…does the cadence sensor track your distance as well?


Danielle Morales
December 24, 2019 11:15 am

Hi Beth, Thank you for this amazing write up! My husband set us up with a similar setup after reading your blog and we’ve both been enjoying the Peloton app experience for over a month now! Question for you regarding the speed sensor…We purchased the cadence sensor only, but one of the Matt Wilpers workouts (power zone endurance) called for hitting a certain output. Would I be able to calculate my output if I purchased the Speed sensor and used it in combination with the cadence? We stream the classes on our iPad mounted on our spin bike. Right now… Read more »

December 10, 2019 12:10 am
Reply to  Jeff

Hi Jeff, I don’t know if you have found something different, but I got the speed sensor to work fine. Originally it said I was going 40 + mph – ha! I just had to adjust the wheel diameter setting in the Wahoo app though to get the correct speed. The bike I bought came with a speed and distance sensor so I could use that to make sure it was accurate, but once I picked the right diameter in the app it was really accurate. Hope that helps!

Chris Donnelly
March 31, 2019 4:41 am

I have been on the fence about getting A peleton or not for the past year and a half. I read this article 5 times when I first started researching about it; kind of forgot about it for months then got motivated again and came back to this article as a hub to re-launch my research. I came to the realization that spending the money on the Peleton was foolish and this guide was a major help. I finally stopped making excuses and ended up going with the the sunny B 1805 with magnetic resistance, but did everything else as… Read more »

January 10, 2020 9:37 pm

I am so torn between the cheaper bike with friction resistance and the bike Chris mentions with magnetic resistance. Does anyone have any thoughts?

CJ Smith
November 9, 2019 11:19 pm

Thanks for the article. You helped me on my journey to my in home gym. I have read many reviews, but yours by far was the most helpful. I finally purchased the B1714 bike from Sunny Health. It has the magnetic resistance. The bike is great. I have created my own resistance chart based on the max number of turns my resistance knob rotated. I have a great understanding of my bike’s resistance and the correlation with the Peloton resistance (this was only achieved after a very good friend purchased the Peloton bike and I saw how the resistance worked)… Read more »

Jenny Kan
October 22, 2020 7:32 am

Thank you so much for taking your time to write this post! I ALMOST spent $2K just for the Peloton bike, and your post has saved me so much time and money! I’m so grateful for this post, thanks so much!

September 3, 2017 1:20 am

Great info. I have been on the fence about buying the Peloton for the same reason – price. Thank you for sharing!

September 24, 2017 2:17 am

Do you know of an app for Android users? I have looked into Peloton but have not purchased due to price. Researched a ton and decided on the Sunny fitness bike but want to know of an app I can use because the Peloton app is only for iOS users. Thanks.

October 9, 2017 2:10 pm

I read your post a month or so ago and loved what you did! I took your direction to heart and am setting up my bike at home. Thanks! One question though. The Wahoo speed sensor (the one that goes on the wheel) isn’t designed for a spin bike as far as I know. How did you install it?

Martha Quinton Twitchell
December 3, 2017 8:04 am

Love this whole peloton hack! Could you include a few more details about how you attached the speed monitor? Magnets? Adhesive? Zip ties? I would love a picture.

January 20, 2018 10:07 am

Can you tell us what you used for the wheel circumference? Thanks for all your help.

Dale Sheller
February 7, 2020 9:31 pm

Beth or Missy, did you actually measure the circumference of your wheel? I installed my speed sensor and I can tell it isn’t very accurate. Thank you!

February 3, 2018 3:30 am

Did you happen to post pictures of where your speed sensor is located on the front wheel? I’m setting up ours tonight, and while I know the speed sensor isn’t exactly accurate on a spin bike, I’d like to fool myself into believing it. Thanks so much for this post, it was extremely helpful!

October 25, 2017 9:55 am

Hi! Thank you for this post, I found it very interesting because it’s a personal experience and not just some static review. I was wondering how you like your bike so far? I’ve been reading SO MANY reviews on so many different models and brands, but I keep coming back to this one.. The cons mentioned more often than not are the squeaking it starts making after a month or so, that and the grinding of the belt. I’m not exactly sure about how long you’ve had it – you say three months at some point but three months from… Read more »

October 27, 2017 2:55 am

Hi Thanks for this! Do you stream from your iPad with AppleTV? I have iphones and ipads, but never had TV. If so is that the only way to stream to a TV? I’m with you, I think I would prefer the TV experience.

December 1, 2017 5:58 am

What an ingenious idea! I never would have thought to create my very own set-up at home! It looks as if you have pretty much the full experience of an in-person spin class without having to leave the house. Driving to a spin class, fitting the specific times of the classes into my already full schedule, and feeling like I’m competing with the rest of the class are my main demotivators, and you have done away with all of these. Solid advice.

December 19, 2017 4:02 am

This is an awesome post! I’ve been reading lots of reviews about this workaround. Definitely some pros and cons but certainly a money saver. If I may ask, are you still using it?

December 19, 2017 4:15 am

I am curious about the setting up of the bike, is it advisable to set up the bike myself or I should get an expert to set it up?

MImma Palazzolo
December 19, 2017 10:04 pm

Just ordered all of these goodies- can’t wait… I appreciate this post!

January 12, 2018 3:56 am

This is a great Post. What model of the Sunny Health spin bike did you get?
Thank you

January 17, 2018 10:55 am

Thank you so much for this info! I have been researching this a while and this was very helpful. I would like to note though, that putting the cadence sensor where you did does not seem to measure cadence accurately. Wondering if you have come across this? Thanks a lot.

February 23, 2018 2:28 am

Hi! Thinking of doing this but wanted an update on how the bike it working out! I went on Amazon and saw a bunch of reviews in a row that says this bike isn’t worth the money. It’s loud and the pedals keep coming loose. Any issues on your end?

March 15, 2018 5:07 am

My husband and I were seriously considering getting a Peloton. After reading your blog I am sold! Thank you for all the helpful advice…really great!

April 7, 2018 9:44 pm

Awesome information!!! You saved me a fortune!!! Just one question, the bike comes in 2 options – chain or belt drive. Which option is better?

April 20, 2018 11:14 pm

This is an amazing blog!! Thank you for your time and efforts. Where did you get the flooring?

CJ Simmons
May 20, 2018 8:30 am

Your article (and the videos!) were extremely helpful. Seeing your progress and your set up has encouraged me to move forward. I’m a 44yo male with injuries and need to better my health. I never thought of tracking cadence as I would like to get an Apple Watch.

Thanks so much for taking the time to blog this for us and to get me excited to improve my health….it is very appreciated!

May 31, 2018 7:44 am

How did you mount the speed sensor to the wheel with no center hub? I tried mounting my new to the wheel but would not register.

June 15, 2018 2:48 pm

Thanks for the suggestions! Great hack… I’m going to XSport Fitness tonight to see what spinning is like. I’ve never done it, preferring to jog 12 miles a week or alternatively, do stair climbing. Unfortunately I’ve developed osteoarthritis in my right hip, so I have to search for new alternatives.

June 17, 2018 5:31 am

Hi I am from he U.K. and looking to use your hack! The sunny bike isn’t available, so looking for an alternative, what are your recommendations for the specifications on the bike? Such as resistance and chain etc? Thanks

June 18, 2018 7:58 am

This so awesome. Your home gym looks great! You made so many great points especially the one about the limitations of device on the Peloton bike especially if it is not around for years to come. I currently work out in the garage, we don’t park in there so all of my workout stuff is there and it’s plenty of space forme to do the dance workouts I love so much. I have really been wanting to get a bike in there for cycling workouts. Thank you so much for this “blueprint” to go by. I will be doing this.

August 8, 2018 7:32 am

I’m a spin instructor not for peloton but locally! I am so happy for this information since the ad is indeed alluring! Also aimed for people with expendable income! And high paying jobs. I have a great spin bike at home and don’t want to get rid of it, I like your advice on a work around since I like my own workouts. I also have used some you tube videos for my spinning (free) and I am looking forward to seeing what peloton app has to offer!

August 11, 2018 3:44 am

Thanks so much for your post! Just bought everything you suggested! I wanted the peloton but didn’t want to spend so much money on a piece of equipment that won’t be used everyday. Thanks again!

August 14, 2018 5:20 am

I am trying this for ge first time. I am a little confused about the resistance. When you say “crank” do you mean one half turn of the knob

September 20, 2018 7:14 am

Hey Beth! Thank you for this post. I LOVE how you detailed every step so perfectly… I am just going to add everything to my Amazon cart and call it done. I already have the TV and I have Apple TV installed on that TV. One question for you–do you have access to the App through Apple TV?

October 1, 2018 4:22 am

Amazing! Thanks! Hey any idea if there is a newer version of that bike that works better? All the model numbers are deliberately confusing. 🙂 Thanks again

October 2, 2018 4:15 am

You just save me tons of $$$. I was about to click on buy on the Peloton when I decided to research alternatives. THANK YOU

Miyuana Young
October 11, 2018 2:25 pm

Thank you so much for putting this together. I too fall off at times and I would like give cycling a try. I wanted a peloton bike with the whole package and once I seen the price I knew I needed to research alternative options. Your break down is so awesome. Once again Thank You!

Bob Hamilton
October 14, 2018 11:49 am

So, great info! I have the peloton bike, shoes and screen. I bought at this used. Is there a way to use the Peloton app to then hook it up to my Peloton screen? Or is there a way to play riding scenery videos on this screen? Just trying to avoid another $39 a month.

October 20, 2018 3:03 am

Hi! awesome post and blog. I am still very confused about exactly where the wahoo sensors are mounted on my sunny health bike. could you please take some pictures of your bike with the position of the sensors? thanks so much

Manesi Mendez
November 13, 2018 6:30 am

This was exactly what I needed to read to get back out there and start my fitness journey! Thanks!

November 13, 2018 7:26 am

Hi I just read this, and I’m so happy I did! I just ordered everything you suggested off of Amazon. I can’t wait to get started. I was so close to spending 3 grand!

November 13, 2018 8:55 am

Thank you so much for this! I have a question, Can I stream the Peloton app through the Roku or my Smart tv? Do I have to stream it through apple tv? I don’t have apple tv and would like not to have to buy that just to steam on my tv. Thanks

November 13, 2018 9:35 am

Hi, I know I have to put the Peloton app on my ipad, I’m just curious if I can stream it to my tv without Apple tv, using Roku? what I’m trying to say is, i’m trying to avoid getting the apple tv streamer when I already have a Roku and smart tv. i’ll just wait to get set up and see how the Peloton app works.

December 6, 2018 4:39 am

This was a great post and thank you for posting. One question: I understand that the monthly subscription when you buy the Peloton bike is $39/mo. but then the app version is ~$20/mo. Do you know why would folks who bought the Peloton bike be charged more? Is it because they’re paying for the convenience of getting it streamed to their builtin display monitor?

December 6, 2018 8:17 am

Hi Beth, this is great information. Regarding the Sunny bike, my husband is a big guy – tall and over 240 lbs, and he rides like a maniac for an hour. would the Sunny stand up to that? Thank!

December 6, 2018 12:45 pm

I can’t get the app to show cadence and speed at the same time? Also, what size did you set the speed monitor to?

Brittany Burnett
December 30, 2018 2:37 am

Thank you so much for this! I was about to do it and I definitely can’t afford it!

January 10, 2019 1:53 am

Does anyone know if you buy the bike, can you use the app on the bike verses the 40$ membership through the bike? I’m wondering if it’s cheaper to purchase the peloton and only buy the 20$ membership but use the screen on the bike

January 13, 2019 2:00 am

Thank you for this great information!
Have a similar setup in our basement.
I was trying to figure out how to add a cadence / resistance/speed device to my stationary bike which works just fine, but to really get the full benefit of the peleton classes seems necessary.
Many thanks for sharing

Anne Michaud
January 16, 2019 4:59 am

Hi!! I have been wanting a Peloton since I saw the first commercial!! I finally decided to do some research to try to find a comparable product and came across your article. I am so thankful that I did!! The only thing I am trying to figure out is about streaming the Peloton classes to the tv and using the wahoo app. Ok, so I do not have a tablet but I have an iphone. I have this connector thing that I hook the phone to the tv that I sometimes use to watch basketball games that are being streamed… Read more »

Anne Michaud
January 16, 2019 5:03 am

Hi I am so thankful I came across your article!!! Will I need 2 devices to make this work?? To stream the Peloton app as well as the wahoo app?? Is there a way around this? I have an iphone but do not have a tablet is why I am asking…Thanks so much 🙂

January 18, 2019 11:40 pm

I may be late to the party but just came across this blog as I have started my own peloton hack. I purchased a sunny health bike as well. Struggling with the resistance. When you say one turn is about 10..is it a full 360 turn? I have the cadence sensor, this is my only struggle is estimating the resistance. Thank you!

Jennifer N
January 23, 2019 7:21 am

Thank you so much for ALL of your info. Not only did it save me time but totally cracked me up (“MomJeans73”)!! Thanks again for sharing!

January 28, 2019 1:28 am

Any updates? Are yous till spinning? Still liking the bike you chose?

February 4, 2019 1:26 am

Hi! I just purchased the peleton digital app since I already have a spin bike. However, I am going to upgrade it. I am still dealing with diastasis recti from my pregnancy and I need the handle bars to adjust very high so I am not bending over too much. How high do the handle bars adjust? Any chance you can measure the height?

February 18, 2019 4:14 am

If I have an Apple Watch can I skip the wahoo heart monitor?

Also ty! Ordered a few things you mentioned

February 28, 2019 11:34 am

Awesome advice

March 2, 2019 6:14 am

Hi, I just wanted to see if your bike was still holding up well? I read your article and purchased a different bike, however I will be returning it because it makes a loud roaring/vibrating sound. I am now considering buying the one you purchased if you are still happy with it. Thanks for your help!

March 5, 2019 7:55 am

Thanks so much for this thorough and informative post! Two q’s as I implement these hacks:
1) how did you get Wahoo to send the cadence info to the Pelaton app? None of the options in the Wahoo app that i see include sending to Pelaton.
2) you mentioned that your husband is also spinning. Do you have separate Pelaton accounts or are you okay with all of your workouts and preferences getting logged together? Doesn’t seem like you can have multiple profiles on the same account.

Thanks so much for any intel and the great write up!

March 27, 2019 2:50 am

Thank you for your blog post! I love this idea!! Quick question….I have a friend who has a Peloton bike and wants me to get one so we can ride “together” but it is just too much money. If I use the app, can I take the same classes at the same time she does with your amazing hack?

April 5, 2019 9:12 am

Thanks for this. Purchased everything and have been spinning a couple of days now. However have you ever had a problem with the cadence dropping off or going blank while spinning?

ryan prendergast
May 7, 2019 11:32 am

What setting did you use for the speed sensor (wheel size). Sorry if this was already asked.

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